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- Initiate a Plebiscite in Your Country to Protect your land Indigenous rights and Resources
Initiate a Plebiscite in Your Country to Protect your land Indigenous rights and Resources
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Contract for Indigenous Plebiscite Construction
Date of Transaction:
Name of Aboriginal Jurist:
Phone Contact & Email of Jurist:
Mailing Location of Jurist
Name of Receiver in Contract
Phone Contact & Email of Receiver
Mailing Location of Receiver
Specific Project- Plebiscite Creation
Total Fee for Service 5,000.00$
Components of Indigenous Plebiscite:
The Aboriginal Jurist of ARNA will service the receiver by creating an Indigenous Plebiscite. An Indigenous Plebiscite is an operation by a group of Indigenous Peoples to make an election for self-determination via a national liberation movement and indigenous body politic. These vehicles are acts supported by public and private International law standards.
The ARNA Aboriginal Law Firm operates as the primary constructor of the indigenous plebiscite in conjunction with the particular certified jurist. All services of the jurist are subject to assessment evaluation and amendment by ARNA Aboriginal Law Firm. All activity of the jurist is reviewable by the ARNA Aboriginal Law Firm in arbitration and the ARNA Jural Society in matters of adjudication. Receiver is not subject to such activity except upon personal election.
Component Items of Indigenous Plebiscite.
A) Drafting of Indigenous Constitution based on International Law Protections
The ARNA Jurist servicing you will do an intake form to assess the components of the particular mission of your indigenous Constitution and draft a written Constitution covering all necessary legal content.
B) Acceptance of a Flag
It is the duty of the Receiver to have a flag for their Indigenous Body Politic.
The flag must be made into a JPEG format to be placed on all documentation.
C) Drafting of a 7 Section Plebiscite with Notice instructions to Political Agencies in Foreign venue with Protocol Recommendations
The ARNA Jurist will draft a 7-section plebiscite and provide notice instructions of the Indigenous Entity to local state and national political officials for the protection of the group.
D) Creation of DOT-EIN Registration Process-
Creates opportunity to have constituents to have businesses created by your legal arm
Your Indigenous Body Politic will be able to do infinite business registrations for its constituents, which will increase economic circulation of currency in the group, provide labor to its constituents, and increase functional economic investment into the indigenous body politic. You will be able to designate two legal professionals in your Indigenous Body Politic that can take the ARNA law course Level 1 the costs being covered by this contract and payment
E) Registration of 3 Indigenous Instrumentalities for the Indigenous Body Politic with EIN and By Laws
(Legal Instrumentality, Economic Instrumentality, Health Instrumentality)
The ARNA Jurist will create 3 politic instrumentalities in the above areas that can be used to do business registrations as the Authorized entities carrying out that function.
F) Treaty with ARNA Entity for reciprocal recognition
You will be offered to do a Treat with ARNA on your own terms to have another body Politic that recognizes you reciprocally for the sake of internal procedures on recognition.
G) Business Credit Outline Process for building capital
You will be given the procedure on operating business credit to build capital for each business entity amongst you constituents
This process will take approximately 30n days to complete.
All fees must be paid upfront for service
The fee is nonrefundable unless the service is not completed and delivered via email and hard copy to the addresses provided
The fee will be paid in either cash of 5 US money orders
There are no severability clauses for this contract. A full intake contract will be emailed upon completion of this agreement.
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Signature of Receiver Print Name
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Signature of Jurist Print Name
Local ____________________ Aboriginal Region ___________________________
Sworn and subscribed before me___________________________________ this [day] ________[month] _________ [year]________
Notary Signature_____________________________
Date of Transaction:
Name of Aboriginal Jurist:
Phone Contact & Email of Jurist:
Mailing Location of Jurist
Name of Receiver in Contract
Phone Contact & Email of Receiver
Mailing Location of Receiver
Specific Project- Plebiscite Creation
Total Fee for Service 5,000.00$
Components of Indigenous Plebiscite:
The Aboriginal Jurist of ARNA will service the receiver by creating an Indigenous Plebiscite. An Indigenous Plebiscite is an operation by a group of Indigenous Peoples to make an election for self-determination via a national liberation movement and indigenous body politic. These vehicles are acts supported by public and private International law standards.
The ARNA Aboriginal Law Firm operates as the primary constructor of the indigenous plebiscite in conjunction with the particular certified jurist. All services of the jurist are subject to assessment evaluation and amendment by ARNA Aboriginal Law Firm. All activity of the jurist is reviewable by the ARNA Aboriginal Law Firm in arbitration and the ARNA Jural Society in matters of adjudication. Receiver is not subject to such activity except upon personal election.
Component Items of Indigenous Plebiscite.
A) Drafting of Indigenous Constitution based on International Law Protections
The ARNA Jurist servicing you will do an intake form to assess the components of the particular mission of your indigenous Constitution and draft a written Constitution covering all necessary legal content.
B) Acceptance of a Flag
It is the duty of the Receiver to have a flag for their Indigenous Body Politic.
The flag must be made into a JPEG format to be placed on all documentation.
C) Drafting of a 7 Section Plebiscite with Notice instructions to Political Agencies in Foreign venue with Protocol Recommendations
The ARNA Jurist will draft a 7-section plebiscite and provide notice instructions of the Indigenous Entity to local state and national political officials for the protection of the group.
D) Creation of DOT-EIN Registration Process-
Creates opportunity to have constituents to have businesses created by your legal arm
Your Indigenous Body Politic will be able to do infinite business registrations for its constituents, which will increase economic circulation of currency in the group, provide labor to its constituents, and increase functional economic investment into the indigenous body politic. You will be able to designate two legal professionals in your Indigenous Body Politic that can take the ARNA law course Level 1 the costs being covered by this contract and payment
E) Registration of 3 Indigenous Instrumentalities for the Indigenous Body Politic with EIN and By Laws
(Legal Instrumentality, Economic Instrumentality, Health Instrumentality)
The ARNA Jurist will create 3 politic instrumentalities in the above areas that can be used to do business registrations as the Authorized entities carrying out that function.
F) Treaty with ARNA Entity for reciprocal recognition
You will be offered to do a Treat with ARNA on your own terms to have another body Politic that recognizes you reciprocally for the sake of internal procedures on recognition.
G) Business Credit Outline Process for building capital
You will be given the procedure on operating business credit to build capital for each business entity amongst you constituents
This process will take approximately 30n days to complete.
All fees must be paid upfront for service
The fee is nonrefundable unless the service is not completed and delivered via email and hard copy to the addresses provided
The fee will be paid in either cash of 5 US money orders
There are no severability clauses for this contract. A full intake contract will be emailed upon completion of this agreement.
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Signature of Receiver Print Name
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Signature of Jurist Print Name
Local ____________________ Aboriginal Region ___________________________
Sworn and subscribed before me___________________________________ this [day] ________[month] _________ [year]________
Notary Signature_____________________________